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Redwood City Little League

Character -- Courage -- Loyalty


Tee Ball Baseball is for girls and boys who turn 5-6 years old prior to September 1.  In Tee Ball, athletes will  learn the fundamentals of baseball (hitting, throwing, fielding, base running, terminology) in a fun, team setting.  Rosters are typically composed of  8-10 players.   On Offense, players hitting off a batting tee (pictured below).  On Defense, each player plays a position in the field.

There is one 60 minute weekday practice, and one 60 minute weekend game.

Players in this division may request to be with a specific coach, neighbor, best friend, etc. The Tee Ball Player Agent must be notified via the "Buddy Request" section of Registration Form,  and will make all reasonable requests if possible.

Spring 2025 Season Information

First Practice:  Most likely the week of  February 17th 2025

Opening Day First Game:  Saturday, March 8, 2025

Final Game:  Saturday, May 17th 2025

Practice / Game locations:   Roosevelt Elementary School & Henry Ford Elementary School

Your schedule may rotate between the two locations.


Helmets: RWCLL is asking all players, regardless of Division, to provide their own helmet. This helps with the efficiency of games/practices, and reduces the spread of germs, etc... If obtaining a helmet creates a hardship, please contact the Tee Ball Player agent.  RWCLL will make sure each player has access to the equipment they need.

Bats: It is encouraged each player has their own bat, but RWCLL will include several bats in the team equipment bag for player use.
Typical bat size for Tee Ball is is 24"-26".  

Cleats: Cleats are encouraged (soccer cleats are fine), as it gives the kids more traction on the dirt infields we play on

Glove/Mitt: Required for each player. (typical size is 8.5" - 10")

Batting Gloves: optional

Hat, Jersey, Belt, Socks: will be provided by Redwood City Little League

Pants:  Are supplied by RWCLL, communication will be sent out in February when to pick them up from  Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods   1125 Industrial Rd Suite E, San Carlos, CA 94070


Frequently Asked Questions

- Where can I find my team's roster / schedule?

Open in a web browser; Click "Team-> Choose a Team -> Tee Ball"  and then choose the Manager of the team you are on.

- Can I import the schedule into my calendar app?

Yes, under your team's schedule page choose the "Options -> Calendar Feed"   and choose the preferred format (Google, iCal, Outlook)

- Are USA Baseball certified bats required?   

For Tee Ball and (A) Ball, RWCLL does not require a USA Baseball stamp.  Both of these Divisions use the softer compression baseballs.

In (AA) and higher division, the USA Baseball stamp is required.

- Where is the Tee Ball field at Roosevelt Elementary located?

- Where are the various Tee Ball fields at Henry Ford Elementary located?

Pre Game Field Prep

Home team is responsible for:

- Dragging the dirt infield (starting from the outfield grass, and working inward to the pitchers mound)

- Layout and chalk the batter's boxes

- Layout with the string line, and chalk the 1st and 3rd baselines, and foul ball area

- Placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd bases and home plate as well as the Batting Tee

Visitor team is responsible for:

- putting bases and batting tee away

- locking the equipment boxes

- locking the dugout gate at Henry Ford

- locking the outhouse

- dragging the field, if the last game of the day (1:30pm game)

Bases / Baseline

  • Use the orange string reels found in the equipment to mark a straight line from the back of home plate, down the baseline to the outfield grass.  Nail the string line into the dirt, directly behind the tip of home plate.

  • The blue chalk machines should only be filled up 1/3 - 1/2 with chalk.  Overfilling will cause the wheels not to turn.

  • The outside of the base should align with the chalked baseline, as seen below

  • There is not a chalked baseline from 1st to 2nd, or 2nd to 3rd.

Base Placement

At Henry Ford Elementary:  1st and 3rd base placement is a function of where 2nd base is placed.  2nd base should be placed so it is  5-8 feet behind the pitchers mound.   1st and 3rd base should then be aligned to this distance.

At Roosevelt Elementary:  1st and 3rd place should be placed between the last and second to last fence dugout fence post.  Align 2nd base based on 1st and 3rd base.

Foul Ball Area

  • Using the blue chalk machine, draw an arc from 3rd baseline to 1st baseline, approximately  8 feet (4-5 paces) from home plate
  • Any balls hit into this area are a foul ball (keeps the fielders from running in towards a player with a bat)

Field Layout

turquoise lines are chalked

Contact Us

Redwood City Little League

Redwood City, California 94064

Email: [email protected]

Redwood City Little League

Redwood City, California 94064

Email: [email protected]
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